#May 23 Gems From the Authenticity Community

Authentically Alive - Pexels - Photo by Juan Mendez

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That’s why we are sharing our monthly top picks of resources from the (broadly interpreted) “authenticity realm”. As an inspiration, education, food for thought, and invitation to discuss.


Do you have recommendations for great blogs, articles, books, podcasts, videos? Comment down below!

Browse This Month's Inspirations

“Authentic leadership is the full expression of ”ME” for the benefit of “WE”.

― Henna Inam

This month we focus on authenticity at work.

A conversation on creating a workplace that invites authenticity from a human resources perspective. Keywords: Holding Space, Practice, Success


This article explains an academic debate about whether or not being authentic as a leader is dangerous. Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Emotions, Relationships


Do you have to hide being or becoming a mother at work in order to be treated equally? Keywords: Equality, Motherhood, Workplace


photos: Juan Mendez

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