What greater teacher is there than life itself

...and the people we are lucky to cross paths with on our own journey?

Being curious about people and having travelled quite a bit, Tina has turned her talent of bumping into peculiar individuals in all corners of the world into a diverse, humbling, and valuable assortment of dear friends and inspiring strangers. The desire to make others see what Tina sees in some of these wonderfully authentic, insightful, kind individuals was the starting point for WHYLD Podcast – a medium to:

  • Bring together friends and strangers for conversations that expand horizons
  • Foster the exchange of thoughts between people of diverse walks of life
  • Give extraordinary people „from next door“ a voice to share their stories
  • Celebrate people’s authentic life choices

How can you be part of WHYLD?

We produce every episode with love and care. They are a gift to you which can be multiplied limitlessly. Take away from our content that what you deem valuable.

You may want to try on new thoughts, challenge long held beliefs, disagree with some aspects, or find yourself affirmed by others sharing your experiences, your thoughts, your dreams.

Please be invited to share your own view through means of our social media presences, invite your friends to the discussion, or share the podcast with them. Let us know if you personally know someone whose voice should be heard or if we should cover a certain topic in one of our next episodes.

We appreciate you!

The WHYLD Crew

People (and animals) behind WHYLD

Tina Hewelt | WHYLD Podcast

Tina Hewelt

WHYLD Writer & Speaker

Psychologist, Human Factors Specialist & (Agile) Coach

Always busy envisioning and doing things, happiest when travelling, switching contexts, and learning something new about the outer and inner world.

Nicolai Illing

Early Day WHYLD Supporter

Industrial Engineer & Agile Coach

Passionate about portraying the world through a lense, has an eye for good design, happy to engage in conversations for hours on end, loves good wine and dry humour.

Ally | WHYLD Podcast


WHYLD Muse & Chief Work-Life Balance Officer

Former Romanian Stray Doggo & Terminator of All the Foods

Making sure we WHYLDers experience no supply shortages of inspirational energy top-ups, fresh air, skeptic looks, entertaining video material, and heart-warming cuddles.

Dennis Fruehauff | WHYLD Podcast

Dennis Fruehauff

WHYLD Sound Engineer & Website

Astrophysicist & Software Engineer

Loves disecting data, playing with techie things, crafting his own wooden furniture, confusing Tina with Terry Pratchett humor, and indulging in creamy chocolate pudding.

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