#Jan23 Gems From the Authenticity Community

Authentically Alive - Pexels - Photo by Juan Mendez

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That’s why we are sharing our monthly top picks of resources from the (broadly interpreted) “authenticity realm”. As an inspiration, education, food for thought, and invitation to discuss.


Do you have recommendations for great blogs, articles, books, podcasts, videos? Comment down below!

Browse This Month's Inspirations

“Seek the whole, not the perfect.”

― Oprah Winfrey

There is no need to be frustrated with yourself if you feel like you are not where you want to be yet. Start with what is true NOW. Keywords: Compassion With Self, Curiosity, Unlearning Patterns


We cannot do what we cannot imagine. Is creativity an ingredrient for a richer, more fulfilled life? Find tips to boost your creativity here. Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Imagination


Is authenticity accessible to everyone in the same way? An honest, uncomfortable Twitter thread. Keywords: Privilege, Power, Inequality

photos: Juan Mendez

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